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Follow along as we uncover the vast biodiversity of BC Parks 


Updated: Dec 7, 2021

It’s hard to believe that after visiting 133 provincially protected areas over 105 days in the field, we’re wrapping up our busy 2021 field season. Now that the weather is changing, our team has been busy uploading their finds to iNaturalist - and looking back we’ve made some cool discoveries!

The 2021 field season saw the team starting on rainy Vancouver Island in April, where we found rare species such as wandering salamander and sharp-tailed snake. Next, the team completed two tours through the South Coast and the Okanagan, where they worked in record breaking heat in June to document strange species like the gold-base tubic moth and endangered nine-spotted lady beetle. Finally, we braved bears and bugs in northern BC through July and August where they documented many species at risk, including caribou and little brown bats.

Field trip with BC Parks to Clayoquot Arm Provincial Park.

Bioblitzing Miracle Beach Provincial Park.

It’s hard to pick our top moments of the field season, but a couple of highlights include the discovery of a species of globular springtail that is new to science and taking the first ever photo of a living Tephritis teerinki fly in British Columbia. You can find links to these and other amazing observations in the Project Highlights section of our website!


To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Ecological Reserves Act in British Columbia, the BC Parks iNaturalist Project and Friends of Ecological Reserves challenged themselves and the community to reach 50,000 iNaturalist observations in Ecological Reserves by the end of 2021. Although COVID-19 protocols and wildfires prevented us from meeting this goal, we tripled the number of observations in Ecological Reserves in a single year, bringing the total over 30,000 as of mid-November! Together we added 800 species to the Ecological Reserves iNaturalist Project and found new locations of several rare species, notably bifid crestwort, and rubber boa.

The BC Parks iNaturalist team bioblitzed 17 Ecological Reserves this season with the help of ER wardens and local ecologists. Our experiences in four of these EcoReserves are detailed below.

May 1: Comox Lake Bluffs Ecological Reserve

On a gorgeous spring day, we met ER warden Mandy Vaughan and local ecologists Jason Straka, Randal Mindell, and Jack Bindernagel at the entrance to Comox Lake Bluffs. As we ascended out of the dense forest to the rocky, Arbutus-lined bluffs, our cameras clicked constantly while we captured hundreds of photos of plants including checker lilies, Oregon stonecrop, and serpentine fern. On this one Saturday, our group gathered 1,700 iNaturalist observations of 340 species spanning the entire EcoReserve. Thank you all for volunteering your time and knowledge.

Checker lily by Lena Dietz Chiasson

May 7: Bowser Ecological Reserve

We joined ER warden Gerry Van Der Wolf at Bowser and set off just as the rain began to fall. Pushing through waist-deep salal, we struggled our way to a pond where many expectant rough-skinned newts glided just below the surface and northern red-legged frogs’ eyes bulged above the water line. Dodging devil’s club, we hiked along the riverside to a low-lying area populated by western maidenhair fern, skunk cabbage, and liverworts. Finally, we scrambled under decades-old fallen Douglas fir, recording sightings of western red backed salamanders as we returned to our vehicles. Gerry, thank you so much for guiding us through the bush all day and iNatting alongside our team.

Rough-skinned newt by Kate McKeown

May 8-9: Woodley Range Ecological Reserve

Our major bioblitz of the season brought together ecologists Jason Straka, Randal Mindell, Andrew Simon, Scott Gilmore, Kristen and James Miskelly, Finn McGhee, Daniel Tucker, Shane Johnson, Leah Ramsay, Dave Fraser, Ryan Batten, and Erica McClaren from across Vancouver Island. Over the course of a single weekend, our group recorded 6,900 observations of 700 species, including 24 species at risk such as sharp-tailed snake, purple martin, bog bird's foot trefoil, and Steindachner’s shieldback katydid. This major achievement would not have been possible without the generosity of the ecologists who volunteered their time and expertise, and the kindness and support of ER wardens Gary Backlund, Katherine Banman and her daughter, Annika who organized our large group and opened their home to us so that we could access this private Ecological Reserve. Thank you all!

Sharp-tailed snake by Finn McGhee

May 23: Field’s Lease Ecological Reserve

ER warden Robert Calder met us on site, and we climbed the short distance to the highest point in the protected area. From there, we had a 360o view of the antelope bitterbrush, rubber rabbitbrush, and sagebrush that stretch to all corners of the modest 4.2-hectare EcoReserve. Although we only spent a few hours in this area, we were able to appreciate and capture the unique arid grassland ecosystem found nowhere else in Canada. Robert, thank you for teaching us about the history of this EcoReserve and the beautiful plants found within.

Antelope bitterbrush by Erin Springinotic

We would also like to thank ER wardens Diane Moran and Ron Laidman (San Juan River Estuary) who provided us with directions to their EcoReserve, BC Parks Community Outreach Specialist Rike Moon who connected us with ER wardens to make these meet ups possible, and all the other community scientists who have contributed their observations to iNaturalist this year and in years past. We are looking forward to another great year in 2022!


Updated: Dec 2, 2021

The team at Skaha Bluffs Provincial Park in May 2021.

As of November 15th 2021, the team has uploaded over 170,000 observations to and has documented 4,963 species across British Columbia. We would like to thank the iNaturalist community for their continued feedback and assistance with species identification. Thank you to our field crew, BC Parks staff, Ecological Reserve wardens, and fellow community scientists who helped us out during the field season. Our goal is to continue to record biodiversity all across BC. By uploading observations to iNaturalist, everyone can make important discoveries and improve our understanding of Beautiful BC’s most amazing ecosystems. If you are interested in helping with the project in the future, get in touch with us - we’d love to hear from you!



University of Victoria, Simon Fraser University, and BC Parks are collaborating with other organizations including the BC Conservation Data Centre and the BC Parks Foundation to ensure all British Columbians and park visitors can have a hand in the research and understanding of BC’s parks.












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