It’s hard to believe that after visiting 133 provincially protected areas over 105 days in the field, we’re wrapping up our busy 2021 field season. Now that the weather is changing, our team has been busy uploading their finds to iNaturalist - and looking back we’ve made some cool discoveries!
The 2021 field season saw the team starting on rainy Vancouver Island in April, where we found rare species such as wandering salamander and sharp-tailed snake. Next, the team completed two tours through the South Coast and the Okanagan, where they worked in record breaking heat in June to document strange species like the gold-base tubic moth and endangered nine-spotted lady beetle. Finally, we braved bears and bugs in northern BC through July and August where they documented many species at risk, including caribou and little brown bats.

Field trip with BC Parks to Clayoquot Arm Provincial Park.

Bioblitzing Miracle Beach Provincial Park.
It’s hard to pick our top moments of the field season, but a couple of highlights include the discovery of a species of globular springtail that is new to science and taking the first ever photo of a living Tephritis teerinki fly in British Columbia. You can find links to these and other amazing observations in the Project Highlights section of our website!